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Saudi Arabia, one of the world`s largest oil producers, has been in the spotlight over whether or not it has ratified the Paris Agreement, a global agreement to combat climate change. The agreement aims to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

So, has Saudi Arabia ratified the Paris Agreement?

The short answer is yes, Saudi Arabia has ratified the Paris Agreement. The Kingdom ratified the agreement on September 29, 2016, joining more than 190 other countries in a historic effort to address climate change.

Saudi Arabia`s ratification was welcomed by the international community, as it is the world`s largest oil exporter and a significant contributor to global carbon emissions. The country`s participation in the agreement signaled a commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

However, Saudi Arabia`s commitment to the Paris Agreement has been called into question in recent years, especially as the country has continued to invest heavily in the oil and gas industry. The country`s reliance on oil and gas exports remains a significant obstacle to meeting its climate goals, as reducing emissions would require a significant shift in its economy.

In 2019, Saudi Arabia came under fire from environmentalists and climate advocates for its lack of ambition in reducing emissions. The country was accused of obstructing progress in the United Nations climate talks and failing to increase its climate targets.

Despite these criticisms, Saudi Arabia has continued to participate in international climate negotiations and has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. The country has also announced plans to invest in renewable energy and develop a circular carbon economy, which would reduce emissions from its oil and gas sector.

In conclusion, while Saudi Arabia`s commitment to the Paris Agreement has been a subject of debate, the Kingdom did ratify the agreement in 2016 and has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. As one of the world`s largest oil-producing countries, Saudi Arabia has a significant role to play in the fight against climate change. Its transition to a low-carbon economy will be closely watched by the international community.