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My name is also Xavier I completely agree and even surprised by the description of my name, which is completely my person except discretion, it is said that Xavians love truth and authenticity, we can not be discreet to be authentic and we want to know the truth very surprised to learn that black is Xavier`s color, since it`s mine on 7 Well, my favorite number in brief I`m a real Xavier Hello everyone Xavier it`s a beautiful name that I like to wear Interpretation: Characteristics: Philosopher, Spiritual Dominant Planet: Neptune Colors: Green Gemstones: Moonstone Discover all the names you should celebrate in the calendar of name festivals Xavier refers to an adventurous person. Courageous and determined, he is in demand for something new. Xavier can be quite reckless. He is no less curious. He is not afraid to pursue the challenges and goals he sets for himself and will achieve. As a child, he does not like routine and has to take risks. As a parent of a little Xavier, it is pleasant to do sports activities with him. For them to thrive, they must be encouraged to pursue their dreams while supervising their activities and giving them the opportunity to be independent. This is what helps him accommodate his boldness while teaching him to know his limits. They are passionate about©everything they do. They are great travelers with©an insatiable curiosity. Their mental flexibility allows them to adapt to any situation.

© Their morality is strict. They are loners who like to retire to cultivate their secret garden. They are night owls in love, always looking for the ideal© woman. It is the name of a town in Navarre, Javier, where St. Francis Xavier, a sixteenth-century Catholic missionary, was born. The name Xavier gets an average score of 5/5 out of 85 reviews submitted by Internet users. Bearers of the name Xavier give their first name an average score of 4.2/5 (390 votes). Basque: from Javieri, word derived from©Etchaberri, new house, name of a place© in© Navarre.

• Life of St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of India and Japan (1849 edition). • Letters of St. Francis Xavier of the Society of Jesus, Apostle of India and Japan (1855): I & II St. Francis Xavier was born© in 1506 near Pampelume in the land of Navarre. He studied©in Paris and became one of the first members of the Society of Jusus, the Suites Jã©©. He was sent on missions to India,© Malaysia and Japan. He was a great missionary. He died on©September 3©. In December 1552 he died on the coast of China, which he learned to discuss©©. – This name can also come from the Arabic name©© “Rafir”, which is© pronounced “Rafier” in Spanish.

Xavier can appear as a character in his own right, reserved, sometimes strange or confusing. No matter how he looks, he has trouble living alone and needs someone to be emotionally aware. The home, the family environment are important to him, and he will do everything to find balance and harmony. He loves comfort and a cozy interior, and he will gladly accept that someone other than him ensures responsibility and daily life: he must find a soul that does not neglect his shirts or the kitchen! Let him take care of himself and here he is the happiest of all men. His restraint can hide a stormy temperament. If his dissatisfaction helps him, he will sometimes indulge in excesses of anger, explosions, short but powerful. Professionally, he aspires to independence and sometimes to a certain marginality. The main thing is that he does what he wants, how he wants and when he wants. Do not count on him for excessive zeal, if the subject does not fascinate him, he will not make an effort.

Internal research, the study of psychology, parapsychology, religions will satisfy his ability to understand, analyze and enlighten others. He will certainly waste his help, but he will personally avoid investing too much. As a child, Xavier feels quite alone, sometimes misunderstood, despite the charm and kindness he believes in, but which are not always noticed by those around him. Give him board games or a miniature zoo, and he`ll build a novel! Do not give him orders, for he has an innate sense of justice and fairness. In the labyrinth of his room, Xavier knows exactly where everything is. Everything happens in his head, and the universe of dreams will serve him in adulthood. He will know how to go to the essentials, even if the others lose their Latin. Xavier`s character is similar to that of the natives of Capricorn. Calm by nature, Xavier tests©places full of conflict and violence. He wants to©fly in a quiet environment. Responsible, he never takes over to manage© the mission entrusted©©© to him. His honour is at stake.

Although he seems stubborn©, he is fundamentally reasonable, provided that the arguments presented to©©him are reliable. Spending time with your family makes you happy. He is devoted to his family and is©© very protective. After a©flawless dismissal, he does not change his mind easily when he has an idea©in mind. He is constantly looking for©addiction. To do this, he is not afraid to change careers if his own seems® too demanding and stressful. He wants to live as he feels and does not like to criticize his decisions. To win Xavier`s heart, you have©to show him that you©care about him and what he does. He bases his romantic relationship on trust and understanding©.

Like any Capricorn, Xavier seeks stability both© materially and©emotionally. He is sincere and does not tolerate any pretext. Deception is a must that is© not easily forgiven. Xavier has few friends, but they are loyal to him. He knows exactly how to maintain the relationship he has with others, even if he is not an expert in communication. Xavier tries to hide his fear of suffering behind his mysterious© air. Xavier loves to laugh and enjoy life. He doesn`t like inactivity©. He wants to be in the heat of battle, to act and to fully enjoy every minute of his life.

Usefully, he helps his loved ones according to his possibilities©. As a loving father, he is loving to his children. Sometimes, however, he takes care to keep them on track and introduce them to discipline. It teaches them a sense of responsibility from childhood and teaches them to take responsibility for their own mistakes©. Lucky numbers: Numbers 3, 18, 25 and 36 bring luck to Xavier. N.B. Machine translation into French (*). Sometimes another name has the same meaning. This is not surprising: both names have the same origin or numerological numbers.

My name has been Xavier since I was born! Really it`s a very nice name that reminds me of gravel. My lucky number is 3 and not 7 Long live the little xavxav The name©Xavier is inspired by the Spanish© Javier. Gently and frankly, he does not tolerate false pretenses. He is curious and wants to hide the mystery ©©behind everything. Xavier is attracted to© simple and authentic women.