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The FindLaw Legal Dictionary – free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. Any direct order issued under authority is a Scripture. Arrest warrants and subpoenas are two common types of documents. An arrest warrant is an order issued by a judge or magistrate that allows a sheriff, police officer or police officer to search a person or property, commonly called a search warrant. Other arrest warrants include an arrest warrant for one or more persons and an execution warrant, which allows for the execution of a person sentenced to death by a court of first instance. A subpoena is a statement that compels a witness to testify or compels a person or entity to provide evidence. Some injunctions have been removed because the remedy, which was previously only available through a procedural act, is now available through an application or application in a civil action. Note: The erroneous order has been largely abolished and replaced by the appeal. The word writing existed before the twelfth century and was first used to describe a written document that had to be negotiated at the royal court of England in the Middle Ages. Nowadays, the king is probably no longer involved, but this word still refers to a legal document issued by a court.

A scripture contains a written instruction that asks someone to do something or stop. If you ever need to issue a font, remember that the verb serve is usually used to describe the issuance of a font – as in “Tony was delivered with a font on Monday.” If you ever get a policy delivered, then you`d better do what it says. A declaration is a written document issued by a legal system. The #1 Spanish-language legal site for consumers free and reliable legal information for consumers and legal professionals Note: Many colonial courts refused to issue maintenance orders, which were at the center of bitter resentment against arbitrary searches and seizures. Opposition to such injunctions inspired the provision of the U.S. Constitution requiring a search warrant to accurately describe the location and objects to be searched. n. (sersh-oh-rare-ee) A statement of application (order) from a higher court to a lower court to send it all the documents of a case so that the higher court can review the decision of the lower court. Certiorari is most often used by the U.S. Supreme Court, which is selective about the cases it hears on appeal. To appeal to the Supreme Court, a writ of certiorari is sought from the Supreme Court, which it grants at its discretion and only if at least three members believe that the matter involves a federal matter of sufficient importance in the public interest. By dismissing such a lawsuit, the Supreme Court affirms that it will uphold the lower court`s decision, especially if it agrees with accepted precedents (cases already decided).

You can find relief by filing a lawsuit or petition in civil court if getting a lawsuit on your behalf is not an option. Note: The original declaration was replaced by the summons in 1873. A document or order ordering any form of action from a court is commonly referred to as a pleading. The documents contain instructions from an entity that has jurisdiction or administrative authority on behalf of another party. At, we pride ourselves on being the leading source of free legal information and resources on the Internet. Contact us. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “written”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Nationwide Bar Directory and Legal Consumer Resources Note: The extraordinary provisions were originally records exercised by royal prerogatives.

Middle English, Old English; similar to Old English wrÄ«tan Are you a lawyer? Visit our professional website » Note: Scripture was an important official instrument in the old common law of England. A plaintiff commenced an action by choosing the correct form of action and obtaining a claim appropriate to the relief sought; Their order compelled the defendant to comply or appear in court and defend himself. Writs were also constantly used for government financial and political purposes. While the petition no longer governs civil pleas and has lost many of its applications, the extraordinary documents, particularly those of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition and certiorari, underscore their historical importance as instruments of judicial authority. Another example of a declaration is seizure and the sale order is an example of an originating statement. If this statement is made by a court, it gives the plaintiff the right to take possession of someone else`s land. In most cases, the applicant is usually a creditor who is authorized to seize a borrower`s assets if the borrower fails to meet its financial obligations. After seizure, the property can be sold to compensate for the losses suffered by the creditor. Writs were developed under the English common law system and were primarily developed by Anglo-Saxon monarchs. These were written decrees consisting of administrative orders, largely authenticated by a royal seal at the end of the document. After the exhibition, the writs advised the courts on land transfers. In some cases, they have also been used to enforce court orders.

While many documents were considered open and read in public, others were intended only for the party or parties mentioned. Britannica English: Translation of the script for Arabic speakers A writ of execution is a court order that allows property to be transferred from one party to another. The plaintiff or aggrieved party must take legal action against the defendant to obtain this court order. Once the complaint is drafted, the property is seized by a court official or a member of the security forces. Ownership is then transferred or sold, with the proceeds going in cash to the applicant. The term written refers to a formal legal document that orders a person or organization to perform or cease a particular act or act. Documents are drawn up by judges, courts or other bodies with administrative or judicial competence. These documents are part of the common law and are often issued after a judgment, giving those involved in litigation the opportunity to enforce the judgment. Writs can take many forms, including subpoenas, warrants of execution, writs of habeas corpus, warrants and orders.

Both habeas corpus and certiorari writings are used by courts for legal purposes, usually in favor of a defendant. A writ of habeas corpus can be used to assess the constitutionality of criminal convictions handed down by state courts. When the order is issued, an official is responsible for bringing a detained person before a court to determine whether his detention is lawful. These injunctions are useful when people are detained for long periods before they are actually convicted or charged with a crime. The writ of certiorari, on the other hand, is used by U.S. federal courts. This statement is issued by the Supreme Court of the United States to a lower court to review that court`s judgment for errors of law or if no further appeal is possible. Writs have been developed over time to order authorities – legal and otherwise – to take certain actions. This means that a modern statement provides an order from a higher court to a lower court, from a court to a person or other entity, or from a government agency to another party.