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As humans, we crave connection and companionship, and one of the most important relationships we cultivate is that of our best friends. But have you ever considered creating a “best friend agreement contract” to solidify and protect your friendship? Here`s why you should, and what you should include.

First and foremost, a best friend agreement contract is not meant to replace trust and mutual understanding in your friendship, but rather to enhance it. It serves as a tangible reminder of the expectations and boundaries you and your friend have agreed upon, and can help prevent misunderstandings or hurt feelings down the line.

So what should you include in your best friend agreement contract? Here are some suggestions:

1. Communication guidelines: How often will you check in with each other? Will you prioritize phone calls over texting? What topics are off-limits or sensitive?

2. Confidentiality clause: Can you share each other`s secrets with others, or is everything you share with each other strictly confidential?

3. Support system: How will you support each other during times of joy or hardship? Will you provide emotional support, practical help, or both?

4. Time and energy allocation: How much time and energy are you willing to invest in your friendship? Are there certain activities or events you both want to prioritize?

5. Dispute resolution: How will you handle conflicts or disagreements that arise? Will you seek outside help or try to resolve things on your own?

6. Dealbreakers: What actions or behaviors are unacceptable in your friendship? Will there be consequences for violating these boundaries?

Once you`ve discussed and agreed upon these terms, it`s important to document them in writing and sign the agreement together. This will serve as a physical reminder of your commitment to each other and your friendship.

In conclusion, a best friend agreement contract can be a helpful tool to strengthen and protect your friendship. By setting clear expectations and boundaries, you can build a stronger foundation for your relationship and ensure that it endures through both good times and bad.