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As a professional, it is important to consider the language and phrasing used in online content to ensure that it is both reader-friendly and optimized for search engines. One commonly used phrase that may need to be adjusted for SEO purposes is “in broad agreement.”

While this phrase is often used in conversation and written communication to signify a general consensus or shared understanding, it may not be the most effective choice for SEO. This is because search engines tend to prioritize specific, focused language that is directly relevant to the topic at hand.

To optimize content for SEO while still conveying the idea of general agreement, it may be helpful to use alternative phrasing. For example, “widely accepted,” “universally acknowledged,” or “generally agreed upon” can all convey a similar meaning while using more targeted language.

In addition to being more SEO-friendly, using these alternative phrases can also make content more engaging and impactful for readers. By using language that is specific and memorable, writers can help their content stand out and resonate with their audience.

As with any aspect of SEO copywriting, it is important to balance the needs of search engines with those of the reader. By finding alternative phrases that are both optimized for search engines and effective at conveying the intended message, writers can create content that is both engaging and discoverable.